Closed Alpha Testing

After a series of server tests, we our successfully hosted our first online prototype. This milestone now allows us to test any gamefunctions online and create a basic set up for new and coming game versions. Therefore we know kick off a new page called “The patch log”, where will announce, discuss and confirm any changes to our latest game prototype.

So far, arena gameplay is the Main Mode. Players can log-in, choose from their list of characters and create new ones. Each character can reach Character Level 10, granting a huge boost to the stat of choice. Experience points past that will be added to a character’s Gladiator level, still improving stats, but just little enough to give you that extra edge in hard’n’fastpaced fights.

Also note our media coverage that will be added as a standalone page soon. It will be closely linked to our YouTube Channel, which until now remains: co3media’s channel

New Patches will be announced within the following 2 weeks, so expect updates on gameplay and content fairly soon.

So, head over to The Patch Log and check out our latest (and first) “Patch 0.07 ” which has bunch of fixes and new content, including a new additional character!