The Game

Set in medieval times, shaped by brave knights, invisible assassins, agile rangers and mystical masters of witchcraft, Co3 finds it place in a genre that accompanied Video Games since the very start. Reimagined in fullscale pixel art, Co3 offers the oldschool and classic mechanics of Strength vs Speed vs Magic. Arduously handmade character art allow for a wide variety of animations on no less than four different player classes. The foreground of glowing magic and buzzing particles is met by multilayered scenery placing the combat in its context of arena fighting. The result is a fastpaced and complex mix of gameplay and strategy.

Lurley, runner of the black firs


Granted her powers by the gods of nature and her ancestors, nobody beats Lurley when it comes to the bow. Her lethal and relentless attacks keep her safe, and her enemies without a chance. Quick but fierce, her endless arsenal offers a counter to every attack coming her way.

Nathar, descendant of the ancient embers


Untouched by time, these shapes are said to be from the earth itself. Without the human confines, Nathar releases his spirit straight into his ambience. When the elements obey his will, stories and hearsay of  devastation and void are all that is left.

Anell, castaway of the summits


As mortal as mystical are the stories surrounding the legendary castaways. Sly and undercover they are known to attack out of nowhere, when you least expect it. Armed with hidden blades and cunning weaponry up her sleaves, her attacks are unpredictable. Even though her pokes are minor, she will make sure there are enough.

Arena Gameplay

To become one with the fight and rise above it one must prove himself to infinite opponents and in every scenario. A combatant’s way can only begin in the arena, and while all but one way lead to defeat, none of them ever leave it’s walls.

In player versus player mode, arenas will be filled with teams of 3 of either premade teams or players from all over the world. Wether to gain experience in points or in understanding and skill, this is where players can prove themself. Everything the arena offers can be used by or against anyone at any time. A full action mode that can either be limited by rounds, time or infinite where warriors of equal skill go on trial to dominate.


To survive and outlive any challenge, even the mightiest warriors must form bonds and become one. Greater than just the sum of its seperates, only through collective effort the a victory can be ensured. Every class holds unique abilities to collaborate in a fight where one hit can mean defeat. Nathar delivering corrosive storms is just as essential as a charging Anell, catching an opponent off guard, or a single blow of unmatched force, when even a single arrow decides over life and death.

Teamplay and coordination are key to the teambased fighting mechanics of Co3. Situational Awareness as well as recognizing and seizing opportunities present the main challenge to both novice and veteran gamers. Quick decisions ingame as well as macro planning while skilling and leveling a character smooth the way to the top of the collosseum.

Levels and Skills

Throughout fights, battles and wars, no one will come out as they go in, for better or for worse. To treat defeat as lection and a win as inspiration is the way to true greatness.

As players progress and carry away victories in the arena, their experience will increase. Consequently they will gain levels and be able to invest into skills and attributes. Individual combinations of enhancements are available, unique to each character class. Soon the increase of inital improvement will decline, and the changes become subtle details. Rather adept playstyles can become more efficient with their limits even further pushed. Be sure to know their exact strengths, as beginners will always pose a threat.

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